Design an application for the Hot Dog House. The user makes hot dog choices from a list box and the application will display the price. The user can choose the following:
- Regular Hot Dog ($2)
- Foot-Long Hot Dog ($3)
- Italian Sausage ($3.50)
- Kielbasa ($3.50)
There is no additional Charge for
- Ketchup
- Mustard
- Relish
- Onions.
But, they pay extra for
- Chili ($1)
- Peppers & Onions ($1)
- Cheese ($0.50)
Submit with the following requirements:
- Submitted code MUST include “meaningfuf’ comments.
- The Project must tell the user the ingredients and the final price
- The output should be in a form of text area
- The output can be finalized either with all action listeners, or by using a button. Write the order to a file
- Anything that you can do with String Builder or Array Lists
- Anything that you can do with colors and fonts.