Word 3 Freeform

This one is NOT in the book… Have some fun with it, be creative!

The goal is to create a fun, two page document to entice the recipient to buy into a free time share vacation.

The original page can be found, here:


1. Please download and save the project files.

2. Open the the “Free Myrtle Beach Vacation.docx” document, provided below.

3. Correct all five spelling errors.

4. Using the original document, please create an engaging two (2) page brochure with the following:

  • A nice eye grabbing heading
  • At least three different fonts
  • Bulleted lists with the package details
  • Bulleted lists with the package amenities

5. Please chose a minimum of five (5) images to make your brochure more attractive. Do not simply drop the photos in, use the image tools to make them look more “fun.”

6. Use at least two text boxes to break up the text in the document.  Your brochure should NOT look like a letter.

7. Using the provided “vacation.csv” file, from below, create a mail merge between your brochure and the csv file.

8. Using filters, select potential customers from two (2) states.  You may choose the states, but be sure you have at least two.

9. Create a seductive, introductory, paragraph that minimally mentions the person’s

  • First Name
  • City
  • State

For example…”Hello, Steve. Are you tired of the cold weather in Albany?  We know it gets pretty cold in New York this time of year.  Please take a moment to review our offer, and you could be sitting on the beaches of South Carolina on no time!”

10. Save your work, then complete the merge and save the MERGED letter document separately.

11. Upload your final MERGED letter document below.  It should be several pages long.  Each person should have TWO pages of brochure.  So if your filter yielded 12 people, your word document should contain 24 pages.