Eggs Console App

[code language=”csharp”] # Mark Hesser
# Dec 10, 17
# Eggs */

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static System.Console;
namespace Eggs
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool programSelectError = false, Menu = true;
int programSelect;
ConsoleKeyInfo kb;

while (Menu)
Clear(); Title = "Main Menu";

//Main Menu
WriteLine(" 1. Eggs \n 2. Eggs Interactive \n\n Q. Quit");
if (programSelectError) //Invalid Selection
WriteLine("\nThat is not a Valid Choice, Enter # 1-2 or Q to Quit");
programSelectError = false;
Write("\nPlease Select the Program you would like to run: ");

kb = ReadKey(); //Listens for Key

if (kb.Key == ConsoleKey.Q)
Menu = false;

string programKey = kb.KeyChar.ToString();
Int32.TryParse(programKey, out programSelect);
switch (programSelect) //Program Selection
case 1: Menu = false; NonInteractive(); break;
case 2: Menu = false; Interactive(); break;

default: programSelectError = true; break;

static void NonInteractive()
Clear(); Title = "Eggs";
WriteLine("This program converts total eggs laid into dozens\n");

int[] chicken = new int[4] { 31, 27, 16, 19 };
int eggSum = 0, eggDozens, eggRemainder;
const byte dozens = 12;

for (int i = 0; i < chicken.Length; i++)
WriteLine(" Chicken {0} laid {1} eggs\n",(i+1), chicken[i]);
eggSum += chicken[i];
eggDozens = eggSum / dozens;
eggRemainder = eggSum % dozens;

WriteLine("A total of {0} eggs is {1} dozen and {2} eggs.\n", eggSum, eggDozens, eggRemainder);

WriteLine("Press any key to Exit"); ReadKey();

static void Interactive()
Clear(); Title = "Eggs Interactive";

int numChickens, eggSum = 0, eggDozens, eggRemainder;
const byte dozens = 12;

//Opening Statement
WriteLine("This program converts total eggs laid into dozens.\n");
Write("How many chickens do you have: ");

while (!Int32.TryParse(ReadLine(), out numChickens))
WriteLine("That is not a number…\n");
Write("How many chickens do you have: ");

//Declare Chicken Array
int[] chicken = new int[numChickens];

for (int i = 0; i < chicken.Length; i++)
Write("\nHow many eggs did Chicken {0} lay: ", (i + 1));
while (!Int32.TryParse(ReadLine(), out chicken[i]))
WriteLine("That is not a number…\n");
Write("How many eggs did Chicken {0} lay: ", (i + 1));
//Add to sum
eggSum += chicken[i];
eggDozens = eggSum / dozens;
eggRemainder = eggSum % dozens;

if (eggRemainder == 0)
WriteLine("Your chickens laid a total of {0} eggs " +
"which is {1} dozen.\n", eggSum, eggDozens);

WriteLine("Your chickens laid a total of {0} eggs " +
"which is {1} dozen and {2} eggs.\n", eggSum, eggDozens, eggRemainder);

WriteLine("Press any key to Exit"); ReadKey();