The queues.conf file

Move the original queues.conf file
sudo mv /etc/asterisk/queues.conf /etc/asterisk/queues.conf.sample

Create and edit the queues.conf file
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/queues.conf

Add the following information to your queues.conf file
[general] persistentmembers = yes
monitor-type = MixMonitor

[techteam] member => SIP/matthew
member => SIP/eva

Below is a list of optional strategies that can be used to direct calls to queue members:

  • ringall – default option, ring all the available channels until one answers
  • least recent – rings the channel that answered within the longest time
  • fewestcalls – rings the channel that has answered the fewest time. May be unfair if someone typically handles longer calls than others. If someone logs out and in again they would have the fewest calls
    random – rings just a random choice
  • rrmemory – round robin, the last will not be selected
  • rrordered – round robin in order
  • linear – always starts with the first member, moving down the list toward the last listed member

To reload the queues.conf file in the Asterisk CLI use:
queue reload all

To show a list of queue members in the Asterisk CLI use:
queue show techteam