Delivery Charges – Chat – Resort Exercises

Delivery Charge Exercise

Write a program called DeliveryCharges for the package delivery service in Exercise 4. The program should again use an array that holds the 10 zip codes of areas to which the company makes deliveries. Create a parallel array containing 10 delivery charges that differ for each zip code. Prompt a user to enter a zip code, and then display either a message indicating the price of delivery to that zip code or a message indicating that the company does not deliver to the requested zip code.

Chat-A-While Exercise

The Chat-A-While phone company provides service to six area codes and charges the per-minute rates for phone calls shown in Figure 6-25. Write a program named ChatAWhile that stores the area codes and rates in parallel arrays and allows a user to enter an area code and the length of time for a call in minutes, and then display the total cost of the call.

Resort Pricing

Write a program for The Carefree Resort named ResortPrices that prompts the user to enter the number of days for a resort stay. Then display the price per night and the total price. Nightly rates are $200 for one or two nights; $180 for three or four nights; $160 for five, six, or seven nights; and $145 for eight nights or more.

Create a solution for each. Upon completion, put the solutions in a zip folder.