Chapter 5 – Study Outline

ICMP Basics – pg 250

– general info

Roles ICMP Plays on IP Network  pg 251

– general info

– know basics of Table 5-1

ICMPv4 pg 251

– general info

ICMPv4 Header pg 252

– Type, code, checksum fields

– general info on each

Types of ICMPv4 Messages pg 256

– Destination Unreachable

– Source Quench

– Time Exceeded

– redirect

– parameter problem

– echo request / reply

– timestamp

– router advertisement

– trace route

ICMPv6 pg 270

– general info

Types of ICMPv6 Messages

– 0 – 127 Error

– 128-255  messages

PMTU Discovery pg 285

– general info

Testing and Troubleshooting =g 286

– ping

– trace route

Security Issues for ICMPv4 pg297

– general info