Chapter 3 – Study Outline

IP Packet and Packet Structure – why we have it – pg 104

IPv4 Header Fields and Functions – pg 104

  • general info
  • version field
  • Header length field
  • Type Of Service
    • Precedence / Type of Service
    • Differentiated Services
    • Know the difference between the above (general info)
    • DSCP 46  (101110) – expedited forwarding
      • used for VoIP, etc
    • Total Length Field
    • Identification Field
    • Flags Field
    • Fragment Offset Field
    • Time to Live Field
    • Protocol Field
    • Header Checksum
    • Source Address
    • Destination Address
    • Options / Padding

IPv6 Header Fields and Functions – pg 114

  • general info
  • Version
  • Traffic Class
  • Flow Label
  • Payload Length
    • hop by hop exception
  • Next Header Field
    • how it functions / works
  • Hop Limit Field
  • Source Address
  • Destination Address

IPv6 Extension Headers pg 119

  • General info on extension headers
  • Header extension order – pg 119
  • General info on each of the six extension headers
    1. Hop by Hop Options
    2. Destination Options
    3. Routing
    4. Fragment
    5. Authentication
    6. Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

Jumbograms – pg 127

  • general info

IPv6 MTU and Packet Handling pg 129