Essay 2 – Final

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The best thing I’ve learned so far at South Hills is programming, from the Introduction to Programming and Logic course. This course has introduced me to a new way of thinking about logic and a better understanding of how programs work. It has helped me learn new coding languages and helped me realize that programming wasn’t as difficult as I had once thought. This has inspired me to go above and beyond and not only taught me the basics of C#, but also the fundamentals of Objective-C and Swift. Because of this revelation, I am now a registered developer with apple and have created my very first app, which is available to download in the App Store. Before I started school, I was afraid of programming. In this class, I’ve learned the basics and it has helped me realize that programming is all about logic. We learned how to structure our logic using pseudocode and flowcharts. Pseudocode is usually written out in a text editor, while flowcharts are a visual representation of the same structure. Using the knowledge from this course, I decided to challenge myself. By using the same logic behind a C# Console Application, I took a program we did as an assignment, “Guess a Number,” and converted it into an iPhone app. Intro to Programming and Logic has given me the tools I need to solve problems and understand how to structure the logic for the solution, and, best of all, gave me something I could immediately utilize in a real life setting.