Hands-On Project 2-4

Research Laptop Service Manuals.

Do the following to find a service manual for a laptop that you have access to, such as one belonging to you or a friend:

  1. What are the brand, model, and serial number of the laptop?
  2. What is the website of the laptop manufacturer? Print a webpage on that site that shows the documentation and/or drivers available for this laptop.
  3. If the website provides a service manual for disassembling the laptop, download the manual. Print two or three pages from the manual showing the title page and table of contents for the manual.
  4. If the website does not provide a service manual, search the Internet for the manual. If you find it, download it and print the title page and table of contents.

Using your laptop please complete Hands-On Project 2-4

  • Create a word/text document for you answers
  • You do not need to print your manuals, but please provide a hyperlink to the manual(s) (most likely a PDF file)
  • In addition to the questions from the book, please list any components of your laptop that can be upgraded, and links to possible components.
  • Using the serial number, or service code, from your laptop, please look up your device, from the manufacturer’s website, and determine what warrantied coverage it may have, or had.