P&L Chapter 3 Study Guide

Disadvantages of Unstructured Spaghetti Code – pg 84
– general info
– unstructured programs
– structured programs

Understanding the Three Basic Structures – pg 86
– general info
– sequence, selection, loop
– details of selection structure – pg 87
– dual-alternative (then)
– single-alternative – null
– loop structure – pg 88
– stacking structures
– summary of structured programs – pg 94

Using Priming Input to Structure a Program – pg 95
– understand the premise for a priming input
– how when used in a loop the input is placed and utilized – pg 99

Understanding the Reasons for Structure – pg 101
– Clarity
– Professionalism
– Efficiency
– Maintenance
– Modularity

Understand / Recognize good structure
– #7 on page 103

Structure and Modularizing – g105
– using the wash dog (how modules were being used) – pg 109