Modems, AP, CSU / DSU notes

Modems: Modems perform two main functions:  Modulation / Demodulation Analog signal vs Digital Modulation: converts digital to analog Demodulate: analog to digital Common Modem types: Cable modem ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line)  downstream faster then upstream  (SDSL)  symmetrical….. DSL (digital subscriber line) Wireless Access Points: device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired […]

Hubs, Switches, and Routers – Study Guide

Connecting Multiple Computers – pg 153 – general info – Network, Subnets, and Subnetworks – pg 154 Understanding Physical Ports – pg 156 – Identifying the Number and Type of Ports – general info Comparing Hubs and Switches – pg 158 – Understanding Collisions Domains – pg 159 – Identifying Collisions in a Hub and […]