Hardening Apache on CentOS

Hide Apache Version and Operating System By-default the apache version and OS are shown in the response headers. This is a major security vulnerability. To hide those details, add the two lines in apache config file /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf ServerSignature Off # Removes version info ServerTokens Prod #Changes header to production, removing OS detailServerSignature Off # Removes […]

How to Set up HTTPS on Nginx on RedHat

Objective Install Nginx on your RedHat Linux distribution. Once installed, enable port 443 for HTTPS access to your web server. Create a Self-signed certificate to use for SSL. You can also use a free service like LetsEncrypt to get verified certs. Installing Nginx Add Nginx Repository To add the CentOS 7 EPEL repository, open terminal […]

The Apache Configuration File

The main configuration file for Apache is located at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. Apache may work a little different on Ubuntu (and other Debian based distributions) than other operating systems when it comes to adding and removing modules as well as virtual host configuration. The differences are the result of an effort to make it more flexible and […]

Installing Apache in Ubuntu

Apache is currently the most commonly used and trusted web server application. It has dominated as the primary web server software. In this lesson we will learn to install the application as well as setup firewall rules to allow it server web pages to clients. Installing Apache Before we install Apache, it will be a […]