Hands-On Projects 3-1

Description: This project shows you how to capture packets on a network, select a specific packet, and examine the IPv4 header data for the packet. You may capture your own data to analyze, or you may start Wireshark, open the ch03_IPv4Fields.pcapng file available from the Student Companion Web site, and skip to Step 8. Start […]

IPv6 Datagram Main Header Format

As we saw in the previous topic, IPv6 datagrams use a structure that includes a regular header and optionally, one or more extension headers. This regular header is like the header of IPv4 datagrams, though it has a different format, as we will see shortly. The standards don’t give this header a name; it is […]

IPv6 Motivation and Overview

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I consider this one of my favorite pieces of folk wisdom. I generally like to stick with what works, as do most people. And IP version 4 works pretty darned well. It’s been around for decades now and has survived the growth of the Internet from a small […]

IP Datagram General Format

Data transmitted over an internet using IP is carried in messages called IP datagrams. Like all network protocol messages, IP uses a specific format for its datagrams. We are of course looking here at IP version 4 and so we will examine the IPv4 datagram format, which was defined in RFC 791 along with the […]

2. IP Addressing – Study Guide

IP Addressing Basics – pg 50 symbolic names – DNS, humans prefer them, we think it’s easier to remember a string than a numeric address. Computers are the opposite, because they deal with network addresses in the form of bit patterns. logical numeric addresses consist of a set of four numbers separated by periods. physical […]

Hands-On Projects 2

Hands-On Project 2-3: Calculate the Subnet Mask for a Required Number of IPv4 Objective: Learn how to determine the subnet mask required to support a specific number of subnets on an IPv4 network using the GestióIP IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator. Description: In this project, you use the GestióIP IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator to define a range of […]

IP Addressing Worksheets

Download the Understanding IP address Worksheet. Answer all of the questions for the 4 different sections. Upon completion, please upload your answers below.