Linux Text Editors – Notes

Linux Text Editors Vi / Vim gEdit Nano gVim Eclipse Emacs Vi / Vim 2 Modes Command Mode – (Default) Talk to the editor. For instant command use “:” Insert Mode – i > hit escape to get out of insert mode Move the cursor j or <Return> – move cursor down one line k [or […]

First Exam – Study Guide

HFS Root File Structure bin – binary executables home – users home directory proc – processes dev – devices lib – 32 bit libraries (shared files aka dll) lib64 – 64 bit libraries (shared files aka dll) opt – optional software etc – configuration files ~ (Tilda) Home Directory . (dot) Current Directory .. (dot […]

Using Shell Features – Notes

cat : Displays files on standard output. Two or more files can be specified and output redirected to merge them together. chgrp : Changes group ownership of a file. chmod : Changes permissions of a file. chown : Changes ownership of a file. cp :  Copies a file. echo : Echoes the text you enter on the screen. Although this […]