Modifying the features.conf file

Transfer options are configured in the /etc/asterisk/features.conf file.

To edit the features.conf file use the command:

sudo nano /etc/asterisk/features.conf

Scroll down to the [featuremap] context of the file. You can choose to enable the blind transfer, attended transfer, or both transfers.

To enable the blind transfer remove the semicolon used to comment the line with the blindxfer option The line should look like:

blindxfer = #1

To enable the attended transfer remove the semicolon used to comment the line of code with the atxfer option. The line should look like:

atxfer = *2

To apply the new changes of the features.conf file, log into the CLI and use the following command:

features reload

Each transfer method has it’s own DTMF sequence (touch-tone numbers). If the user is give the option, they can now transfer a call using the DTMF sequence #1 for a blind transfer or the DTMF sequence *2 to use an attended transfer. If you wish to change the special numbers to initiate a transfer,  they can be changed here in the features.conf file. In the next lesson we will modify the Dial() application to allow a user to transfer a call.