Game Play Final

C# Programming Final

Using the topics covered throughout the entire term (Arrays, Methods, Classes, Objects, InHeritance, etc….) Your task is to pick ONE of the two games below to create a console Game based off of the game play of the traditional board game.

  1. Pick your Game
  2. Using LucidChart (like program) – create a working Flow plan for how you are going to approach this project. The flow plan should show how you are using classes, methods, etc. [Note: You do not need to pseudo code this… but I do want and understanding of how you are breaking things down, and how they all relate back to Program.cs and the main method.]
  3. Develop your Console Game program
  4. Upload your Flow file via couseweb upload.
  5. Upload your complete game solution file(s)

Note: When developing your programs. Traditional coding methods, comments and such should all be included within your code.


Make a single player console version of Clue!

The console game you develop should follow the basic game play of the traditional board game.  Using this as a basis…. the game begins by the user choosing  a character….. then the application randomly creating a “Murder”.  Randomly choosing a character [other then user], location, and weapon.

The user is to guess Who is Murdered, Where, and with what Weapon.  Give them 3 or more, tries.. before they loose.

You will create a 10 x 10 or larger game board representing different rooms

  • Kitchen
  • Foyer
  • Study
  • Library

Things to implement

  • Introduction to game play
  • Game Boards – Have the game “load” mansion layout game board.
  • Pick a player profile (character)
  • Randomly establish the MURDER
  • Users will be prompted to take guess on where the murder was placed, what weapon was used, and WHO did it., and also notified of hits and misses When playing the game – the game board will be marked to display /past and current guesses. If the user gets something correct… they should be notified.  “Correct, the knife was used in the murder”
  • must included 6 weapons, 6 characters, and 5 rooms
  • Win / Loss
  • End of Game / Play again!



Make a single player console version of Battleship!

The console game you develop should follow the basic game play of the traditional board game.

You will create a 10 x 10 game board and implement 5 ships:

  • 1 Carrier (size 5)
  • 1 Battleship (size 4)
  • 2 Cruisers (size 3)
  • 1 Destroyer (size 2)

Things to implement

  • Introduction to game play
  • Game Boards – Have a random generator “load” a game board.  At least 3 different board configurations (placement of your battleships)
  • 3 difficulties levels players can choose from when starting a game.  – Could limit # of ammunition. 40 rounds, 30 rounds, 25 rounds, etc….
  • Users will be prompted to shoot via user input, and also notified of hits and misses on each turn.
  • When playing the game – the gameboard will be marked to display both hits and misses. [I recommend “O” and “X” for hits and misses, and “S” for sunk]
  • When a ship is sunk, a notification must be given to the player.
  • Win / Loss
  • End of Game / Play again!