2. IP Addressing – Study Guide

IP Addressing Basics – pg 50

  • symbolic names – DNS, humans prefer them, we think it’s easier to remember a string than a numeric address. Computers are the opposite, because they deal with network addresses in the form of bit patterns.
  • logical numeric addresses consist of a set of four numbers separated by periods.
  • physical numeric address is a 6-byte numeric address burned into firmware (on a chip) by network interface manufacturers.
  • MAC & LLC
    • Media Access Control, a sublayer of the Data Link layer, refers to the physical numeric address.
    • Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer in the Data Link layer software (usually at the driver level) to enable the network interface to establish a point-to-point connection with another network interface on the same physical cable or network segment.
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to permit computers to translate numeric IP addresses to MAC layer addresses, and Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is used to translate MAC layer addresses into IP addresses.

IP Addressing – pg 60

  • Numeric IPv4 Address use dotted decial notation when expressed in decimal numbers and take the form n.n.n.n, where n is guarenteed to be between 0 and 255.
  • IPv4 Address Classes
    • Class A: n h.h.h
    • Class B: n.n h.h
    • Class C: n.n.n h
  • Private IPv4
    • insert image here

Network, Broadcast, Multicast, and Other Special IPv4 Addresses

  • general info
  • Broadcast Packet Structures
  • Multicast Packet – general info such as for example

IPv4 Networks and Subnet Masks – pg 65

  • general info
  • default masks for Class A, B, and C
  • general difference between Subnet / Supernet
  • Calculating Subnet Masks – pg 67
    • CLSM
    • VLSM
  • CIDR – general info

Public vs Private IPv4 Address

  • general info
  • why we have it
  • what devices need a “public” IP Address – pg 71
  • NAT

IPv4 Address Schemes  pg 73

  • general info – what do we take into account (Network Space)
  • other factors

Introducing IPv6 – pg 77

  • general info

IPv6 Addressing – pg 78

  • Address Format and Notation
  • Native IPv6 Addresses in URL’s – pg 82
  • IPv6 loopback
  • IPv6 Multicast format


IPv4 to IPv6 Transition – pg 89

  • general info on why needed
  • Teredo tunneling
  • 6 to 4