Using Shell Features – Notes

cat : Displays files on standard output. Two or more files can be specified and output redirected to merge them together.

chgrp : Changes group ownership of a file.

chmod : Changes permissions of a file.

chown : Changes ownership of a file.

cp :  Copies a file.

echo : Echoes the text you enter on the screen. Although this isn’t technically a file command, it can be used with redirection to create or add text to a file.

head : Displays the first few lines of a text file.

less : Displays a file a page at a time.

ln : Creates links to files.

ls : Displays files in a directory, as described earlier.

mkdir : Creates a new directory.

mv : Moves or renames a file.

pwd : Prints the name of the current working directory.

rm : Removes a file.

rmdir : Removes a directory.

tail : Displays the last few lines of a text file.

wc : Counts characters, words, and lines in a text file.